

Now why would I want to sell anyone a used car? *grin*

@W will never talk to you. If she/he/it (in fact @W is a program provided by
the channel service) ever does run, don't walk, to the nearest exit.

The best time to find someone on the channel is between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm
Central Standard Time (United states). As we have regular visitors from
Holland, Australia(sp),
and England there may be other "active times" that I'm not aware of.

There is also a "breakfast club" that logs on around 6:30 am CST(U.S.). This
I dropped in because I needed a bit of emotional reinforcement (the pd being
a bit more pronounced than usual) and was treated to a warm greeting and
many hugs. I left with
the opinion that things were not all that bad. :)

#parkinsons is a 24 hour channel. It is present whenever @W is there. If @W
is not present then the channel is created whenever someone connects to an
IRC server and types /join #parkinsons

Actually, typing poetry into the channel is how I spent many hours until the
channel became known to others. Hang in there, you meet some people
eventually *grin*.
How knows, you may even start your own group :)