

At 06:33 PM 12/3/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>I would appreciate information that anyone has regarding the effect
>>of PD on male sexual function.  (64/2)
>For me, the drugs, esp. antidepressants, were the cause of total shut down
>of the sexual function.  I refer to it as chemical castration.
It doesn't have to be.  See your GP regarding CAVERJECT (prostaglandin,
which is a naturally occurring substance) An injection directly into the
penis(corpus cavernosi)(spelling?) gives a remarkable erection which lasts
about an hour. There are three strengths of this wonderful stuff and I was
surprised but very gruntled to see that it is now on our Pharmaceutical
benefits scheme (subsidised!) Knowing that you are going to achieve and
MAINTAIN an erection gives "you" enormous confidence( as well as an
enormous------. So much so that at times I dont need the injection!!

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