

Marty Rose wrote:

"My question is about Cogentin and any experiences any of you might be
willing to share. MY neuro is wanting me top go on it."

 When I was first diagnosed with PD (1989) the my neurologist, too,
prescribed it (for tremor).  It turned me into a zomby.  I dropped it within
a month.  I went on Eldepryl to hopefully slow the progress of PD and now,
seven years later that is still all I take.  The tremor has increased (left
side), but I'd rather shake than not be able to think.
  As you must know, each one of us is unique.  Good luck with whatever you
end up deciding on.  Let us know what you choose and how it works (or how it
does not work).  We learn from each other's experience whatever it is.
Sincerely, Joan (55/7)