

JON A MEYER wrote:
> My neuro just started me on Sinemet 10/100  3 weeks ago
> The question I have is whether the meds should be taken before or after a
> meal? Does there effectiveness change one way or the other?
> I have found that if I take it before a meal I have slight nausea for
> about 10-15 min. about 45 min after taking the meds, then feel fine

Dear Jon,
Your Sinemet should be taken about 20-40 minutes before meals, so that
the Sinemet doesn't have to compete with the proteins in food in order
to be absorbed. Sinemet has a very short lifespan, and it's importnat
that it get out of the stomach, into the intestine, across the
intestinal wall, into the bloodstream, and across the blood-brain
barrier as soon as possible. Fatty foods eaten at the same time will
delay stomach emptying; protein foods eaten at the same time will
compete with Sinemet for absorption.

Nausea may be relieved if you eat some fruit juice and a couple of
low-fat crackers with the Sinemet. The crackers have a small amount of
protein, but for most people they work fine.

Another thing you might want to try is to take your Sinemet with a can
of Hearty Balance drink. It is formulated with a ratio of 7:1
carbohydrate to protein. The large amount of carbohydrate causes a rush
of insulin upon absorption into the bloodstream. This insulin rush
scavenges some of the amino acids (protein) from the blood, and allows
the Sinemet to reach the brain unhindered. The drink may help prevent
the nausea.

Most people find that adjusting their protein intake lets them get more
mileage out of the Sinemet. You'll need to try this for a couple of
weeks to see if it works for you. Let me know if it makes a difference
for your.
Best regards,
Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538
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