

>I'm following these discussions with interest.  But I keep wondering
>about those PWPs who don't have i. a caregiver, and ii. are not in a
>'loving relationship'.  I'm sure there must be a whole bunch of folk who
>may experience these difficulties in quite different ways than i've seen
>aired in this forum.
>Anyone care to comment?  How do single PWPs manage?
>Beth Leslie
>Beth - here I am - I am one of those that a: does not a caregiver and b:
does have not a "loving relationship" with a significant other

At times it seems as if it is me against the world - as I am sure others
even without PD experience.  My PD has not progressed to the point that
would necessitate a full or even part-time caregiver...but it is an issue
(although quickly responded to with a "don't worry about it") that I deal
with when considering or even thinking about a "loving relationship" with a
person that would possibly become my "caregiver" -

Does this person realize how my disease COULD develop?
Is this something that he can handle or even WANT to handle?

It honestly feels at times that I am not "normal" - and therefore, not
"complete" - a lot of folks out there carry alot of garbage along with them
and it is not until a "relationship" has developed that this garbage is
exposed.  With medication, my symptoms are (for the most part) masked.  But
at times it is very evident that there is something physically wrong with me.

I don't know if any of this is really answering your questions - but let me
tell you it is not easy.  I do have a strong support system of family and
friends - but not anyone that is with me consistently -

I guess for me at 28 years old  - the fear is missing out of a special
relationship with someone that may have to eventually become a full-time
caregiver.  I am an independent person who continually needs to prove she
can do it on her own - and who knows how my PD will progress.

For whatever this is worth -

Thanks for letting me vent.
