

Parkinson's Action Network
Attention Mike Claeys;

Hi Mike:

Subsquent to our conversation yesterday,I have started contacting support
groups in New Jersey by telephone.

I am enclosing a sample of the follow up letter to the support group leader.
I have also queried each leader wether  their group would be interested in a
presentation of Joan's Video  and two of the three  are waiting for me to
make arrangements, unfortunately the third group is disbanding this month.

If you feel any lanquage should be changed get back to me as soon as
possibile .

Thanks Dale

PS:                                                 December 6, 1996


Paramus, NJ. 07652

Dear Mrs.                        RE: Northern Valley Parkinson’s Support

 Thank you for taking time to answer my call and for your support of this
project by PAN for the benefit of the Parkinson’s  Disease Community.

We appreciate your efforts to help the Parkinson’s Action Network build an
electronic communication web . It is one of our goals to be able to identify
and bring to together as many PWPD as possible  to support our political
lobbying efforts . We are trying to muster congressional support to increase
Federal Funding for Parkinson’s Disease research.

With their approval, if you could send me the following information on your
membership it would be most helpful.

Thank you for your assistance;

Very truly yours,

A. Dale Severance

Address (new location if possible)
telephone # especially area code
email address if they have one
Possibility of joining lobbying effort in
Washington  -personal appearance
or in home state
by mail or phone
Indicate any member with email who
would be willing to help disseminate
news bulletins to those members of the group
who are not connected to email