

On Sat 14 Dec, Donna Kipp wrote:
. I have started taking my SInemet and Permax
> at different time instead of 3X day. I am now trying 6X/day in an effort
> to get a smoother affect. This appears to be helping but it has only
> been a couple of days. After 10 years of PD I have coined the adage
> everything works for 2 weeks. I also take NO DOZ. Any suggestions (no
> matter how ludicrous will be tried.  Donna
Hello Donna, I don't know if you are aware of my computer program for
analysing the characteristics of your meds (and also your reaction to them),
It sounds as if you have had a fairly eventful life lately (!) The intent of
the program is to come up with a schedule of tablets which will avoid the
off periods as much as possible, and at the same time avoid excessive doses
which may cause painful diskinesias. I devised the program for myself, and I
have been taking levodopa for nearly 17 years and counting. If you are
interested take a look at Ron Vetters web page at the URL which  is at the
end of this email. Ron kindly donated the space for my program description.
Don't let the technical stuff throw you - all you need is to follow the part
which tells how to record how you feel, and post it off to me via email.
Call me if you have problems.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>