

Ida Kamphuis wrote:
> Marjorie and others,
> We all would be very happy to know the cause of PD. Till that time every
> treatment is more or less a mere trial because whatever causes our disease
> has not disappeared. Epidemological research is done in the past. I have a
> sort of abstract from 1982. One in seven patients start between 30 and 40
> years of age. PD exists everywhere in it seems about the same percentage
> with an exception for black Americans and South-Africans which seem to be a
> little less susceptible. The only "environmental" factor that is found
> consistently is : Smokers have much less chance to become a parkie than not
> smokers (I never smoked and sometimes this story can be a comfort for
> people whose nicotine addiction is to strong to let them stop.)
> Now a tendency is reported: sometimes people in the countryside should be a
> little more prone than people in the city.
> Combining this two things I can not help getting the suspicion that the
> fumes of the city are protecting.
> Parkinson himself, who for the first time described the disease, did so in
> 1817.
> If Parkinson can be caused by modern pollution this can't be the only
> responsible faktor.
>dless amount) showed up. My neighbour has told often about their life in
> Suriname. They had a farm and growed nearly all their own food without
> chemicals.
> So unfortunately we don't come nearer to a solution.
>                                     Ida Kamphuis
>                                        Holland

I do not believe the believe about nicotine and cousin and his
father(my uncle) died of PD and both were smokers....

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+