

Excerpt from the December 1996 Parkinson's Action Network "Action Reporter",
an Advocacy Report for the Parkinson's Community-
Election "96: What Did It Mean For Us?"
The 1996 elections have come and gone without causing significant changes in
the federal political landscape.  President Clinton Returns to the White
House and the Republican Party has retained control of both houses of
Congress.  So, what's the same,  what's new and how does it affect
Parkinson's disease?  Here's an analysis:
The Senate:
In the U.S. Senate, Republicans have increased their Senate majority slightly
to 55 seats, with 45 Democratic seats, and will continue to be led by
Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS).
Some key committee leaders will change due to retirements, including Senator
Mark O. Hatfield (R-OR), chairman of the Appropriations committee and author
of the Udall Parkinson's Research bill.  Also departing is Nancy Kassebaum
Chair of the Labor and Human Resources Committee, whose acceptance of the
Parkinson's research language and shepherding of the NIH Reauthorization bill
was an important part of our success.
Other friends of the Parkinson's community to retire include Senators William
Cohen (R-ME), Alan Simpson (R-WY)), Paul Simon (D-IL), Bill Bradley (D-NJ)
and Claiborne Pell (D-RI).
Despite this change, the Senate begins the 105th congress with strong support
for Parkinson's research:  55 Members are Udall bill co-sponsors, four of
whom are former House co-sponsors newly elected to the Senate.
The House:
The Republicans hold on to control in the House, although by a slimmer
majority over Democrats:  224 - 208, with a few races yet to be decided.
 Despite a larger number of seats changing hands than in the Senate, there
are fewer changes affecting the Parkinson's community's agenda - Republican
leaders and committee chairs are likely to remain the same.
The House of Representatives will begin 1997 with at least 205 Udall bill co-
sponsors.  Since it takes 218 votes for a majority in the House, 1997 will
begin with a near majority of support.
Elections and appointments of Republican Congressional leaders and committee
chairs will take place during Republican Caucus meetings in January.
 Congress' legislative activities will begin about the third week in January.

Parkinson's Action  Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
phone  707-544-1994
fax  707-544-2363
email:  [log in to unmask]
Washington, DC office
601  13th St. NW., Suite 310
Washington, DC 20005
phone    202-628-2079
fax    202-628-2077
Brad Udall, Chair
Joan I. Samuelson, President
John L. Dodge, Treasurer
Bonnie K. Mioduchoski, Administrator
Michael Claeys, Community Coordinator
The Action Reporter is a free publication of the Parkinson's Action Network,
a  non-profit charitable foundation for a cure for Parkinson's.  Use of this
material in other publications is welcomed.  We ask that the Network be
identified as the source of the material, and notified how,  when and where
the material is used.  Simply call 800-850-4726