

Yes, Amway is an MLM organization.

I remember scratching my head (but not long!) thinking about this outfit,
when, as a young fellow, an Amway type in a tiny Indiana village asked me
to be her distributor in Australia?!

Anyway, how could an outfit whose name means "American Way" be anything
but "on the up and up!"

Yes, who _does_ need a laundry detergent that is "better" than the one
the neighbors use!



On Thu, 12 Dec 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:

>      Multi-level marketing is a "reverse pyramid scheme," and is
> LEGAL (as far as I know). There is a pyramid of distributors, with
> each distributor taking a cut of the profits. Unlike an illegal
> pyramid scheme, though, there IS a profit; no one "loses," but only
> the people on top make a lot of money. The distributors on the bottom
> make a little money.
>     Actually, any business with a lot of middlemen is essentially
> MLM, and, although legal, is stupid business... each intermediary
> adds cost, but no value, to the transaction. Anyone with any brains
> tries to CUT the number of intermediaries, not increase them.
>     I think Amway is an MLM system; some people tried to recruit me
> as an Amway distributor several years ago. I realized it was
> impossible to be competitive with their system. Nonetheless, Amway
> sells some very reputable products... but I suspect you can get them
> for a lot less elsewhere.
>   -Bill

David Robert Austen
Masters Degree Program in Information Science
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana 47405 U.S.A.
Telephone 812 335 8835  Fax 812 335 8598