

I've been on and off the list for the past several months -- a couple of
short vacations and then more recently a medical emergency trip to N.C.

My dad (age 80), who's been the sole care provider for my mother (PD 5
years, also 80), suffered a stroke on 11/4.  First election he's missed,
tho' he got an absentee ballot for mother.

Flew to N.C. on 11/6.  Dad and I talked and jointly we agreed that mother
needed skilled care.  If he didn't agree I was committed to remain with
mother until such time he could return home and care for her once again.
She's totally dependent.

I now faced the task of finding the perfect place for mother.  I met with
people, talked with people, generally told my story to anyone who would
listen. The message was that no beds were available and the process
could take months.  My response was that I would be with my husband
and boys in Minnesota for Thanksgiving.  I also started the paperwork to
qualify mother for Medicaid.  That's an interesting process.  8-)

My dad remained in the hospital for 10 days.  The stroke damage was
minor -- TIA's I believe they were called.  He was referred to a
rehabilitation center about an hour away.  His brother and I drove him
Intensive therapy was begun immediately.  However, there was another
stroke or two and an urinary track infection.  His meds have been
and he is finally gaining some ground.  He will remain there until 12/23
when he will be transferred to a nursing home (the one where mother is --

oops, I'm getting ahead of myself).

On 11/18 a bed opened up and mother moved in 11/19.  12 days to place her
with 2 Saturdays, 2 Sundays and one federal holiday.  Not bad, huh?

I returned to Minnesota on 11/23 and ate turkey on 11/28.

I'll be unsubscribing from this list.  I won't be feeding information to
my dad.  I know mother's getting great care.  From you, I've learned
and shared so much -- blue glasses, dieter's tea, lines on the floor,
RLS.  I've laughed at Bootst3k's antics and stories, loved Wendy's
poems, been grateful to John Cottingham, cried at our loss of Alan
Bolander,  and enjoyed the virtual vacation trips that many of you
took and shared adventures, more.  Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Lee Meyerson
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