

Deeear (forgive my left hand!) dear Christine

Bless you.  And thank you for heaaring me.  And for allowing me to hear
you.  I am with you in all you say.  Just I feel my lot must be so much
easier than yours to contemplate.  I'm 52, so have 'had a life' so to speak.
Just thoroughly pissed off at being deprived of the 20 years or so I thought
was still 'mine' - or at having to share it with PD.

Now I'm sure there are many more of us out there.  Wanna come out?  This
is our list too, isn't it?  I think our difficulties are significant -
perhaps infinitely more significant than those of PWPs with carers.  I've
taken to saying (and this is neither original or new) that what I need
most in life right now is a wife.  Then I might be able to finish my Ph.D
and get a job.  And manage my PD.  But on my own I find I can't hope to
do more than just hang in.  And worry about the future.

Beth L.

On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Christine Anne Sutter wrote:

> >I'm following these discussions with interest.  But I keep wondering
> >about those PWPs who don't have i. a caregiver, and ii. are not in a
> >'loving relationship'.  I'm sure there must be a whole bunch of folk who
> >may experience these difficulties in quite different ways than i've seen
> >aired in this forum.
> >
> >Anyone care to comment?  How do single PWPs manage?
> >
> >Beth Leslie
> >
> >Beth - here I am - I am one of those that a: does not a caregiver and b:
> does have not a "loving relationship" with a significant other
> At times it seems as if it is me against the world - as I am sure others
> even without PD experience.  My PD has not progressed to the point that
> would necessitate a full or even part-time caregiver...but it is an issue
> (although quickly responded to with a "don't worry about it") that I deal
> with when considering or even thinking about a "loving relationship" with a
> person that would possibly become my "caregiver" -
> Does this person realize how my disease COULD develop?
> Is this something that he can handle or even WANT to handle?
> It honestly feels at times that I am not "normal" - and therefore, not
> "complete" - a lot of folks out there carry alot of garbage along with them
> and it is not until a "relationship" has developed that this garbage is
> exposed.  With medication, my symptoms are (for the most part) masked.  But
> at times it is very evident that there is something physically wrong with me.
> I don't know if any of this is really answering your questions - but let me
> tell you it is not easy.  I do have a strong support system of family and
> friends - but not anyone that is with me consistently -
> I guess for me at 28 years old  - the fear is missing out of a special
> relationship with someone that may have to eventually become a full-time
> caregiver.  I am an independent person who continually needs to prove she
> can do it on her own - and who knows how my PD will progress.
> For whatever this is worth -
> Thanks for letting me vent.
> Christine