

Well it was inevitable I have been tempting fate for months. I finally
had an accident fortunately it was no t serious!! I was divorced in
August and dealing with all the upheavel that goes with that and have
not been dealing with the problem of falling asleep at a moments notice.
Now I am back out of denial and into problem solving mode I would
appreciate any help or observations.I have noiiced that this
overwhelming desire for sleep comes after I take my meds ( but only when
they are off or going off). I have started taking my SInemet and Permax
at different time instead of 3X day. I am now trying 6X/day in an effort
to get a smoother affect. This appears to be helping but it has only
been a couple of days. After 10 years of PD I have coined the adage
everything works for 2 weeks. I also take NO DOZ. Any suggestions (no
matter how ludicrous will be tried.  Donna