

At 03:38 AM 12/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I logged into the #Parkie chat on the Undernet this evening, and found real,
>live people there!  HUBBA HUBBA!!!  Got SO excited I nearly had cardiac

Another parkinsons channel? Great! Glad to know there is another one.
Guess I'm gonna have ta look around and find it *grin*

>IF anyone has an idea of why I wasn't able to have a
>normal chat on the Undernet, I'd appreciate some insight.

On Undernet channels it is possible for the channel operator, anyone with an
@ by their name, to turn on the option requireing that you be given a
"voice" on that channel.
Without this "voice" nothing you type will be sent to the channel for others
to read.
This option is not turned on at #parkinsons.

Another possibility is one that caused some chuckles a while back.
My sister was new to the undernet, irc, and #parkinsons.
One evening during a conversation she lost her connection.
This left her with a screen that looked active but was not.
After typing several statements and questions directed to me
and receiving no response she grew concerned.
She called long distance to the police in my city, described
the situation, and asked them to check on me.
A rather grim, tall officer knocked on my door and asked if
I was Mr. Giles, peered at my wife's chemical scales on the table
beside the door, looked at my shaking right arm and hand, and asked
if I was all right and that someone named _______ who was talking to
me on something called IRC was concerned. I told the officer she was
my sister, I was indeed ok, and thanked him for his time and effort.
*chuckle* I, of course, simply had to share this experience with my
irc friends *grin*

Marvin Giles AKA WerPuppy