


     I have been a PD caregiver for more than 15 years.  My response to your
recent posting to this List was that you are new to 'us' and have not
gleaned that we are a thoughtful, caring, yet joyfully irreverent group at
times, that you are new to caregiving and overwhelmed by it, and/or that you
are experiencing the depression that we all feel at times.  Parkinson's IS a
serious and debilitating disease, but should we all live our lives as
victims of it, or should we approach it as any challenge in life, do the
best that we can and find enjoyment in spite of it!!  'The best that we can'
is different for each of us. I personally appreciate anybody's efforts to do
it their own way - even if it is by trying to activate others to get
involved in what you call a 'game'(and it's from a person who is also a
serious contributor).

     Do you honestly believe that we do not understand the seriousness of
this disease?  Do you honestly think that we don't care about other's
feelings?  Do you honestly think that we would not do ANYTHING to make it go

    I would be happy to 'talk' to you about how hard it is to see my husband
deal with PD, how heroic I think he is, how deep my hurt is at times, how
you also must hurt at times, but please understand that we are all trying to
deal with it in the best way that we can.  I hope Dale does not now retreat
from his meaningful participation in fear of offending someone.

  Kind regards,

  Susan Hamburger, CG for Stan, 15+ yrs

It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
best, you very often get it.
                     W. Somerset Maughm