

Greetings to all

After trying all of the suggestions I got, on when & with what to take
Sinemet with, I still had problems with nausea and a general weakness
lasting about 2 hrs. after taking my meds.
I finally called my neuro Thursday and talked to the nurse (the Dr was
out that day) and she got a hold of the Dr. and he changed me from
sinemet 25/100 to 50/200CR.  Low and behold no more nausea or tired
feeling. The nurse told me that the med was hitting my system all at once
and that the CR should help. It seems to be controlling my tremors too.
I also found out that my mother, and my neuro's mother, and my family
Dr's father all went to college together.

At my last visit the neuro also brought up surgery for in the future.
His suggestions were Loma Linda University Med Center or Indiana Univ.
hospital. I'll wait to see how things progress.

Jon Meyer 39/1 ([log in to unmask])
another Hoosier
(I'm still sticking to the theory of Hoosiers coming from "who's yar")