

Hello!  I am newly subscribed to the PARKINSN list and this is my
first message.
My father has PD and my frustration with dealing with the medical
community has fueled my desire to learn as much as possible about PD
and seek information and support from others who may have had a
similar experience and can offer suggestions.
My father is 83 years old.  Although he has shown signs of PD for
many years, he was just recently referred to a neurologist for
confirmation of PD and prescribed Sinemet - 1/2 pill 3X daily
which he has taken since the end of Sept.
Dad's most pronounced symptoms in Sept. were shuffling, freezing,
loss of balance and short term memory loss.  Since September he has
had rapid deterioration and was hospitalized on Dec. 7 because he was
too weak to stand and was very confused.
The major cause of my distress (other than the obvious sadness in
seeing my father incapacitated) is that his GP has failed to contact
Dad's neurologist - says he has been unable to reach him - and has
told my mother that this is simply deterioration caused by the
disease and that a change in medication would not help in Dad's case
and we should start looking for a nursing home or long term care
facility for him.
My questions are 1) we feel Dad should be re-assessed by a
neurologist.  The GP cannot contact Dad's neurologist and seems
unwilling to discuss Dad's case with an alternate.  Can we get Dad
re-assessed without his GP's referral?  How can we go about doing
this?   2) Am I wrong in thinking that a change in Dad's medication could
help him somewhat.
3) How is it possible for Dad to deteriorate so quickly?  In Sept. he
was quite independant although my mother did not like to leave him
alone for very long because of his falls.  Is this typical of PD especially in
the later stages?  Could it be because of his age?  Could it be caused by
 his medication?
I know I have probably been incomplete in  trying to describe our
situation, if anyone needs more details in order to give me some
advice I would be happy to reply.  Any suggestions or support would
be welcome.  Thanks for your time.

Kate MacGillivray
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