

Dear Marjorie,

Sorry, but I was not paying attention. I had part 1 safely stored (in
another place as I thought I had).

I was thinking about the statistics and have a few questions.

1) What are the nrs of the total population of the USA, in the same way as
given in the first e-mail? (male/female/black/white)

2) What were the exact causes of death? As you know, PD is an indirect cause
to death.

3) I expect a very low nr of death by the black people. Why are the white
races dying of PD?

4) Do you know of any investigation about health differences between black
and white people?

Thanks for sending this material to the list. When i'm back in Holland i'll
send some figures from Europe to the list. They are gathered by Chris Hill.

Kees Paap