

On Sat 14 Dec, Barbara Mallut wrote:
> To those who persistantly email Janet Reno and other newly diagnosed Parkies
> of national or world-wide repute in order to invite them to join the PD
> Listserv Group:
> Dear Friends....
> I believe NONE of us who subscribe to this lists should contact a newly
> diagnosed Parkinsonian of national or world-wide stature for at LEAST a year
> after their public acknowledgment of having this disease.  I believe by doing
> so in the manner in which it has been done is commiting a dis-service to the
> new Parkie, AND to all your fellow parkies.
Dear Barbara: First, I have to say this: You write beautiful prose when you're
angry ! You are absolutely right of course, we probably all took some time to
come to terms with PD. It may be weeks, months, or years, but we do need to
respect this period of adjustment.
     I do feel some sympathy for the 'shaky three'; they must be wondering
what hit them. I am sure they wrote their letter for the best motives, just as I
hope that, sadder and wiser, they would not write it if they had a second chance.
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>