


You wrote:

> I just read a message that described bloating as a problem. Is a bloating
> stomach a PD symptom. I know a lot of Parkies gain weight as they become
> inactive.
> I welcome comments and suggestions on weight control and bloating.

I have yet to met a neurologist who responds with more than a blank
stare when asked about bloating of the stomach.

On an anecdotal level I, for one, experience bloating which occurs only
during my 'off' periods.  The relationship is so pronounced that if I don't
adjust my belt as I 'kick in' my trousers end up around my ankles.  It seems
to affect many other parkies (I would think about 10%-15% of those I have
discussed it with.)  Interestingly the bloating disappears without any venting
of a bloating agent,  The answer, my friend, is NOT blowing in the wind.

Dennis Greene
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