

Dear All,

I sensed, in expressing my disapproval yesterday of Mr. Severance's
posted offer to donate $100 to P.A.N. if any of this Listserv's
subscribers could first solve 3 riddles, that I would be chastised for my
views. Apparently my sensation was correct.

Well, having now read some of the responses to my posting, I gather that
Mr. Severance (whom I do not personally know) has apparently been an
active and creative supporter of serious efforts to eradicate PD, and that
some (many? all?) of this Listserv's subscribers fully appreciate and
enjoy as well the "lighter side" of his efforts -- such as his
donation-offer contingent on the solving of 3 riddles.

I still do firmly maintain my view that it is insensitive to make an offer of
help be contingent on the solving of riddles by those who are in great need
of such help. However, I can appreciate that Mr. Severance  may indeed
also be making, according to various responses to my post, sincere efforts
to help battle this illness. All sincere efforts at help are, in my opinion,
to be lauded and encouraged.

My critique, I hope you understand, was not meant to be a personal attack
nor to pick a fight; it was, and is, intended as a commentary about
sensitivity and methodology. I agree that there is a place for a sense of
humor in communicating about this subject -- but, sorry, I don't see much
humor in requiring the solving (especially by those who are afflicted) of
riddles before a donation of funds can be made.

As to one respondent's comment that I am "hiding" behind the intials SJS,
I'm sorry you feel that way -- My comments are from the heart and I am
personally deeply concerned when it comes to the subject of Parkinsons'
Disease; my use of initials has zero bearing on that fact and is purely
for personal reasons.

-- SJS (caregiver)