

Hi Folks:

Dale is a rosey red color from all the nice comments passed to me in the last
couple of days or maybe its poor circulation from Diabetes.

But sincerely  thanks:

To Beth Leslie;  The Helen Keller expression is my favorite and i thnk it
shall be adopted as my motto.

Here are some other expressions you might enjoy from the Book called: THE
PORTABLE DO IT by Peter Williams

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is
where they should be. Now put the foundation under them,   by Henry David

One Person with belief is equal to a force of ninty-nine who have only
interests. by John Stuart Mill

The greatest obstacle to discovrery is not ignorance-- itis the illusion of

Thomas Edison  said Opportunity is missed by most people because it is
dressed in overalls and looks like work.

A lot of successful people are risk takers. Unless you' re willing to do
that, to have a go, to fail miserably, and have another go,success won;t
happen.  By Philip Adans

The last one:  Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you're free to
You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as
your life can be used tactically   to promote a cause you believe in.
by Saul Alinksky

Every morning I do a self inspection to see how many of yesterday's goals did
I complete. What are my goals today. Have I frittered away the reservoir of
enegy , skill or time  that I stll retain, then I shed a tear  and plow on,
what can I do today to make a Parkies life of better quality

What do you all do when you start a day, do you think about what you are
doing or can do or does one day drag into the next?  Soo many dam tears I can
not see the key board.
