


For those of you interested in using the Internet for social action (like
helping the Udall bill along), I have some meeting notes from the "First
Virtual Activist Workshop" held in the Bay Area. Probably of interest
mostly to those of you who are organising campaigns which use the Internet.

If you want the full thing, please send a new mail to
"[log in to unmask]" with the subject "Please send the NetAction notes".

Here's an automatically produced summary:

He identified two distinct ways in which Internet technology has been used
by activists....NetAction projects include helping grassroots organizations
harness the power of the Internet as a tool for outreach and advocacy;
helping activists who are already using the Internet do a more effective
job of building a base of grassroots support for technology-based social
and political issues; and promoting more widespread access to information
technology by organizing hands-on demonstrations of the
Internet....NetAction is dedicated to promoting effective grassroots
citizen action campaigns by creating coalitions that link online activists
with grassroots organizations, providing training to online activists in
effective organizing strategies, and educating the public, policymakers and
the media about technology-based social and political issues....


--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles                                 Email: [log in to unmask]
New Information Paradigms                  Work Phone: +44 1344 778783                     Work Fax:   +44 1344 772510
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