

I must admit Ms Mallut's rescue response of AG Reno to my posting last
Saturday surely is more challenging to the mind than reading about flava
beans and constipation or the "Sex Survey." I don't know what I said tweaked
Ms Mallut to write such a response but whatever it was I hope she feels
relieved. Good gosh, for heavens sake (no pun intended) does she really
believe I was going to write to the Pope?? For your edification, Ms Mallut,
we in the legal profession have a time honored tradition of always responding
to a fellow lawyers communique. In this instance there appears to be a
breach. In summary, let me add to my brother Stanfield's retort. For those
who I/we offended mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Lighten up folks or
in the present day lingo "get a life."
Jim Ryan