

Hi Folks,

I'm brand new to this List, and have just received the Algorithm for
Managing Parkinson's Disease and the Caregiver's Handbook, and have perused
a few days' worth of email messages.  I'm a caregiver for my sweetie Mike,
who is 56 and has had Parkinson's for 15 years.  (I'm sending this message
for him and at his request.)

He's been on Sinemet since the beginning, and is now on a pill schedule of
Sinemet and Permax.  In May, his Parkinson's doc observed that his
dyskinesias were getting rather severe, and suggested that the Sinemet was
maybe now causing more trouble than it's benefit.  He recommended a gradual
changeover to a schedule of Permax and Amantidine.  Mike is apprehensive
about quitting the Sinemet, since he believes that it is what enables him
to move, so he has not made the change.  The doctor renewed his
recommendation in August.  He doesn't say much about what Mike might
anticipate  experiencing on the new pill schedule, apart from acknowledging
that he might be slower.  Does anybody out there have any real-life
experience on Amantidine, or the combination of Permax and Amantidine?  It
would be helpful to have more information on which Mike can  make his



McCormick International
Mary K. McCormick
10808 Glen Wilding Lane
Bloomington, Minnesota 55431
Tel.: (612) 884-6408
Fax:  (612) 948-0658
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