

Hi "Mary K. McCormick" <[log in to unmask]>, you wrote

I'm with a friend called Nigel, who thinks Amantadine is great, and it
makes his movements more easy. Mind you, he's taking a cocktail of other
drugs too.

>Hi Folks,
>I'm brand new to this List, and have just received the Algorithm for
>Managing Parkinson's Disease and the Caregiver's Handbook, and have perused
>a few days' worth of email messages.  I'm a caregiver for my sweetie Mike,
>who is 56 and has had Parkinson's for 15 years.  (I'm sending this message
>for him and at his request.)
>He's been on Sinemet since the beginning, and is now on a pill schedule of
>Sinemet and Permax.  In May, his Parkinson's doc observed that his
>dyskinesias were getting rather severe, and suggested that the Sinemet was
>maybe now causing more trouble than it's benefit.  He recommended a gradual
>changeover to a schedule of Permax and Amantidine.  Mike is apprehensive
>about quitting the Sinemet, since he believes that it is what enables him
>to move, so he has not made the change.  The doctor renewed his
>recommendation in August.  He doesn't say much about what Mike might
>anticipate  experiencing on the new pill schedule, apart from acknowledging
>that he might be slower.  Does anybody out there have any real-life
>experience on Amantidine, or the combination of Permax and Amantidine?  It
>would be helpful to have more information on which Mike can  make his
>McCormick International
>Mary K. McCormick
>10808 Glen Wilding Lane
>Bloomington, Minnesota 55431
>Tel.: (612) 884-6408
>Fax:  (612) 948-0658
>Email: [log in to unmask]
>       [log in to unmask]

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Shaking Hands BBS - +44 (0)1252 626233 - Fidonet 2:252/160