

>Lately, on occasion, particularly after supper when he
>is tired, my husband has this odd speech problem.  He
>will talk to me, but his selection of words will not
>make any sense.  Sometimes, he loses the thread of
>what he is trying to say too.  This never lasts longer
>than a few minutes, but it is very distressing to me.
>Has anyone else out there experienced this phenomenon?


   My husband Stan was diagnosed more than 15 years ago.  Before his
Pallidotomy in Feb,'96, he was beginning to show exactly the same problems.
Since the surgery it has gotten a little worse, but is dependent on how he
is functioning. Stress and fatigue definitely make it worse.  At times he
forgets the point of his sentence before he has finished it and often calls
familiar things by different names. It's funny because I can always figure
out what he means because there is a relationship between the two words.

    If Stan forgets what he wanted to say he then says 'I'll get back to it'
and may or may not be able to remember what he was trying to say.  I think
it's part of the advancing disease process that some PWP experience.

  Best regards,

  Susan Hamburger, CG for Stan/61, 15+ years
It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
best, you very often get it.
                     W. Somerset Maughm