

Allan Rosenberg wrote:
> Recently Barbara started a regimen of Permax, gradually increasing the
> doseage until she had reached 9/day (.25mg) She had a bout of diskenesia
> yesterday  and is now backing off to 8/day under directions from her
> neurologist. Is this common?
> >From the time she started on the Permax she has had periods (mostly at dinner
> and with people around) when she can not get the food to her mouth, loses her
> ability to speak and simply sits there with the fork poised in mid-air.
> Slowly she ultimately can finish. The neurologist feels it is not a side
> effect of the Permax but associated with the PD and anxiety.
> Has anyone else seen this phenomena and does anyone have any advise to give?
> Would a small dose of a tranquilizer, like Valium, help?
> Thanks. Allan

Fuad has had similar reactions.  He now takes only .5 mg 3x a day.

I am unable to elaborate at this moment, but will respond in more depth
later today.

I feel it is definitely the Permax.

Barb J.