

I've never ceased being amazed by how people "sign" their online messages, and
especially amazing are the "signatures" of many who post here on our PD list.

I've seen everything from a simple first name used as the entire signature to
more elaborate ones with clever taglines, and even some taglines that remind
me of the advertising along the sideo of a bus.

Our Parkie bunch here on the list has it's own "ritual signature add-on," too,
besides many of us adding our personal Internet addresses... WE often add a
encapsulated "Parkinson's profile," for lack of a better term, by putting the
date of our diagnosis, drugs used, and what I think of as our "battle ribbons"
...... the ID of the type of PD-related surgery we've had, if any.  I always
just use my name (first and last, because there's SOOO many 'Barbs" in this
group!) <smile> and also ad my Internet address - and that's it.

HOWEVER... as of today, since I've seen a couple of others do it here, I'm
going to add my IROC chat (Internet Relay Chat) handle to my own personal
signature each time I "sign" a message to be posted here.  I'm going to add
that because I'm curious as to whom from this list is behind the chat handles
I see there in the #parkinsons chat, AND I'd like to see more of our PD list
members and more Parkies EVERYWHERE see that additional information on my
"signnature," and have them get curious as to what that is!

I'd like to see ALL of our list members who spend time in the #parksinsons
chat add their chat handle to their personal signature when they post here on
the list.  Let's dangle our chat handles like the proverbial carrot on a stick
in front of everyone who logs on here!

I'd like Parkies and caregivers to be lured into asking what that additional
line in our signatures stands for, and then we'll tell 'em about the
Parkinson's Chat on the Undernet (and I STILL have noooo idea at all why it's
called the "Undernet," since it's a part of, and ON the Internet) <oh well,
one of life's little mysteries> (smile).  I want others with PD to enjoy the
special comraderie that I''ve so recently found on what's referred to as the
"#parkinson's chat." (Yes..that IS a # you're seeing).

Well, folks, that's why I'm adding yet another line of information to my
"signature."  And if YOU drop into the #parkinsons chat, I hope you'll,
identify yourself by the name you go by here on the list so other chat newbies
like myself will know who who we're  chatting with.

Finally, as many of you read a couple of weeks ago, I had a few problems
accessing the #parkinsons chat.  Nothing major... but aggravating enough that
had I beed fairly new to the Internet and/or computers, I might have not so
stubbornly pursued getting into that chat.  PLUS I was blessed by help from
our Parkie list members here all offering me the guidence I needed so I could
get where I was going.  I don't want other fledgling Parkie chatters to have
to deal with the problems I ran into in establishing that first connection, so
since John Cottingham and Marvin Gilles (and prolly many others too) have each
written and periodically posted a detailed description on how to access the
#parkinsons chat, I'm going to post, under separate cover (since this message
is already a long one),  "Barb M.'s BRIEF & SIMPLE #p Chat Logon Directions."

See ya in the #parkinsons chat!

Barb Mallut
Lil_Honey in the #parkinsons chat
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