

Jeff wrote:

 doctors who are advocating St. John's Wort as an
>alternative to Prozac?  They are saying that the natural, little flower
>provides folks with relief from depression without the side affects that
>accompany Prozac.

I also entertained using St. John's Wort and asked a personal friend who is
a pharmacist if she had info since there are no pharmaceutical-type
printouts about took her a while, but she
eventually found data that cautioned against mixing with MAO inhibitors
(Eldepryl). So I passed. I still use L-tyrosine a few times a week (500 mg),
no depression lasting more than an hour or two since beginning this approach
more than a year ago. My theory is that since the Parkinsonian brain is
documented to be low in L-tyrosine, and that condition can result in
depression in anyone, PWP or not, I believe (maybe the only person on the
planet who believes this) that the depression related to PD is caused by the
shortage of L-tyrosine, not by the PD.

Kathie Tollifson
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