

        Dear reader,

>rant (r^nt) v. rant*ed rant*ing rants v. intr. 1. To speak or declaim in a
>violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave. v. tr. 1. To utter with violence
>or extravagance: a dictator who ranted his vitriol onto a captive
>audience. n. 1. Violent, loud, or extravagant speech. See note at bombast.
>2. Chiefly British Wild or uproarious merriment.
>[ Probably from obsolete Dutch ranten]
>rant2er n.

Is it safe to come out of my foxhole? Are you guys done beating up on one
another? Are you all done making the holidays bright [or is that blight?]
for everyone? Would it be OK if I posted a thought or three? Will you beat
on me too? {you know how easily my feelings are hurt. Right?]

And to think that someone, who shall remain nameless, suggested that I was
ranting on the list!

At any rate I still care ror you and you and you and OK you
too...............And I do wish for all of you the Best of the Holidays

Take good care of one another
    george  [[log in to unmask]]          12/20/96  11:24pm

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