


        Seems to me that politics is a group sport (?). Whether
        it be the politics of law making activities, those of
        moral persuasion, Udall activity or anything where some
        take up an issue which agrees with their personal beliefs.

        I tend to dance to a different drummer. My life is my
        life and how I choose to live it is between me and my one else. I recognize that public laws
        attempt to prevent me from doing harm to myself and
        others but it it still my life and the choices are mine.

        My death will be a very private matter also. Only those
        who closely surround me, will be happy or sad to see me gone.
        It is with those that I will make my wishes known, should
        it become necessary, and it is only to those and my God
        that I owe that last concession.

        I have a Living Will prepared and expect it to be honored.
        I expect also my remains to be used for science or for helping
        some unfortunate person if, in their lives, there is a need that
        some part of me can satisfy.

        I fully expect also that no one has the right to tell me when
        I should cease living. I don't need help from outside sources
        to determine that final act of living. Making something as
        private as our final day, a subject of public law, whether you be
        pro or con, to me is absolutely ludicrous. Only I will enjoy the
        benefits or travails of ceasing to live and unless someone
        else is ready to take my place at that time, don't even think
        about imposing your mindset on my how and when.....

        I apologize to anyone offended by this. I do dance to a
        different drummer......sometimes.


E. Jack Savely    [log in to unmask]    Topeka, Kansas
CG - Jeannette 58 - 20
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