

One of the Reno Parkies needs all the help he can get.

I sent Bill to the hospital in an ambulance night of 2/19...high fever,
etc.  Drs diagnosed pneumonia, Bill went into respiratory failure in the ER.
He is in ICU on respirator.  Fever under control, vitals stable, but having
problem regulating Parkinson meds for his immobility.  Nurses very
aware of "some" of PD symtoms, etc. but alarmed about dyskinesia.  When
this occurred when I was not there they thought best to sedate Bill instead
trying to let him "ride it out" and consequently, he has slept for 2 days.
Dr left his Permax alone but cut his Sinemet dosage in half this noon and, so
far, this seems to have stopped the dyskinesia.

Does anyone else have experience with Parkie on life support???

Bobbie Cotter  CG  for Bill (71/13)   [log in to unmask]   Reno, NV