

It seems that this topic has become all out war.

Reading the letter posted by John, I believe his critic's point was that the
list of topics in John's post was of little relevance to PWP.

John readily agreed with the writer that none of the topics related to PD,
but noted that some people have other medical problems. However, there have
been times when the topics seemed so far removed from anything relating to
this list, that I too have felt cross that I spent time reading them. To
those of you who write - if you don't want to read..delete, this is not the
answer because I have found many of John's posts useful and have filed them
for future use. As a result I tend to read all of his posts.

Not long ago another list member posted a message asking that we remember to
put subject lines on our posts, because it is time consuming to open a post
only to find it is of no interest. To some of us who have limited 'on' time
this can be very frustrating. As I recall there were objections to that post
as well.

Though some of you who have responded are PWP like myself, others including
John are not. It is important for all of us to remember that what may seem
like a minor annoyance to others, can be extremely upsetting to a PWP. We
can only cope with so much frustration.

I hadn't paid much attention to the block at the end of John's posts prior
to this exchange. I believe John's intentions are good, and making his
service available to us is very generous. However, I noticed there are four
references made to the fact that there is no charge for his services, but
his company is getting the benefit of free advertising on every post. It is
my understanding that advertising is not permitted on this list, so perhaps
John should delete the ad which states that he is in the business of using
the Internet.
