

To all on the list.

In response to Marjorie Moorefield 's request here is some idea
of an Australian Christmas.

It's summer here so no roasting chestnuts and jack frost, but just
as everywhere else Australians come together with family and
friends to celebrate and share.  The summer weather means that
some of us go to the beach, some to picnic sites in the country, and
some of course stay home. Bar-B-Q's and picnics are popular but
many of us enjoy the 'traditional'  (turkey etc) meal with all the trimmings.

We cut branches from the Australian pine which we then decorate
as christmas trees.  Here in the west nature provides a different type of
Christmas tree.  One of our native trees flowers at this time of year and
so is known as the 'christmas tree'.  It goes from a dull green to a glorious
yellow.  The jacarandas are also blooming now,  and in places the
combination of purple and yellow is breathtaking.

One thing remains the same across the world and that is the hope
that we each:

        Have a blessed and joyous  Christmas.

        "God bless us, everyone"

Merry Christmas


Dennis Greene
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