

Thanks to all the senders of Christmas messages,accounts of how it's
done all around us, and especially to Liz Southwood for her lovely poetic
rendering--I could almost smell the flowers! :-)
Here in Southwest Ohio it's  rain, not snow, and a promise of 56 tomorrow
before it gets colder again...maybe a dusting of white for Christmas Day.
Peter has not been well, and I never got a tree up (first miss in 53 years  :-(
actually) but I strung tiny white lights on a BIG house plant, which looks
festive, and one dear daughter just brought us a treasure of a lighted table-
sized tree made with dried materials by a friend of hers. So we have lights
and candles and love to lighten our hearts, and hope for Peter to feel
better tomorrow..the joys of the season to all, and may there be peace
on this good earth--
Camilla and Peter Flintermann, CG and PWP(78/7) in Ohio.