

Barbara Mallut wrote:
> Joao Paulo.....
> WHEW! <---- fanning flushed face) <blushing> (Goodness!  These wild, impetuous
> Parkie men!!!) Errr.. more like a dark-auburn haired June Allyson or Doris Day
> (since we're referring to OLD movie stars) <grin>. Kind of a freckles-on
> her-nose, old-movie-star-living-next-door-type of gal.

I's that so...then this is ever better than I expected because as the
song goes :..'cause I love you just the way you are...'(Frank Sinatra or
someone else)  :-)

> And I KNOW you won't bombard me with instructions on how to do graphic
> attachments repeatedly because a couple of dozen Parkies would then bombard
> YOU with messages about not wasting bandwidth, and declaring only PD stuff
> should EVER be posted in this
> sacred-to-all-that's-Parkie-related-and-nothing-else-especially-God-forbid-a-j
> oke place <g>, etc.  Then YOU would be, like others of us (a-HEM...), down on
> your virtual knees literally BEGGING folks to stop sending you
> messages.<smirk>
> Control yourself, oh impetuous one! (LOL)

I raise my white flag...I can'nt resist your bombardment of new
acronysms (LOL).I beg you surrender.  :-)  (but keep a secret hope of
your promissed photo)


   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +    aka Joca
   |         [log in to unmask]     |
   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+