

Dear Bill- the degree of confusion your father has seems rather severe--
but some confusion in a strange and stressful setting like hospital or
nursing home is not unusual. There's even a so-called "sundown syndrome"
which describes the disorientation, often at night, that older patients
experience.  Even a brief stay can cause some confusion, as we learned when
Peter was an inpatient for one day,not even over night, to relieve an impaction
and he found all his PD symptoms worsened, a little confused, very shaky,etc.
Onthe way home he commented that when we left home this AM he didn't know he
was "going to Chicago"! (I assured him he didn't!)  This has mostly ended
now, but may be at least part of your father's problem.I hope when he's back
in familiar surroundings it was gradually pass. How worrisome for you all
now, though. Take care.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7,Ohio