

My dear friends....

Over the past 48 hours, I've received, via this PD list AND by email, TONS of
advice on how to locate, download, setup, and view graphics received over the

First, let me say a very warm "Thanks you" to those of you who're determined
to see me downloading, setting up, tweaking, learning, and utilizing one or
more of the many graphics viewing programs available via the Internet.

SECONDLY, please-oh-please STOP sending me those messages already.

You see, I'm a "reluctant 'puter user."   I use it because I HAVE to, but
inherently, once I graduated from using my original 8088 - on which I was
absolutely intrepid when it came to attempting some new procedure - I've
become much more reluctant to use many of the Windows programs on my system
because this system itself is a very sophisticated one (read that as "it's
HOT!") and I envision crashing it and having to reinstall all those darn
programs from scratch,

Another thing I'd better explain is that I'm not at all "into" sounds and/or
music online, nor am I into clip-art, or consumed by curiosity about  what
that those I'm exchanging email with look like.  I automatically presume all
the men resemble Tom Selleck or Tom Cruise, and that the women are all
beauties.  I find that satisfying <smile>,  What I really get off on are the
minds and the senses of humor and whimsy I see all around me.

That said, I have a GIF of me, and if I can figure out how to send it as a
files attachment, I imagine I'll lay that puppy on the group, just to get ya
all to finally stop sending me lists of instructions to follow! <grin>

Thanks for all your advice and help.  I really DO appreciate it...

Barb Mallut
aka Lil_Honey in the #parkie Chat.
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