


We have several things in common:

1.  Early onset of PD; was also  47 when first diagnosed with PD.

2.  We both live in fairly remote places--I'm in Helena, Montana.

3.  We remain employed;I'm the executive director of the state bar of
Montana, an association of attorney.  My job is to keep 3,500 lawyers in
a state of contentment.  Just kidding.  Actually the job entails a black
hat at times--certain regulatory functions--and a white hat  also--
various services such as continuing education.

As with you, I  remain determined to keep on working--as long as it
remains possible.  While I believe no one is irreplacable, I  happen to
think that I do make a difference and do contribute to the well-being of
others.  Also, I'm inclined to believe that, by continuing to work, I
can possibly slow the progression of the disease; this may be merely
self-delusion, but it seems to help.

You didn't ask, but I want to express my conclusions with you, based on
9+ years of living with PD:

a.  It's a highly personalized diseease.  For some of us, the primary
symptom is a tremor; for others it's slowness of movement and so on.  It
varies so much that I sometimes wonder if it is in fact a multitude of
diseases and not just one.  Because of its peculiar nature, I once
thought it could it could be called "George's syndrome."  You could
label it, "McReynolds malady."    My point is that this thing we live
with can't be treated with a cookie cutter and it's important that you
deal with a neurologist who will individualize the treatment plan to fit
your situation.

b.  There WILL BE  a cure. I base this statement not on technical
knowedge.  Rather, I 'm convinced that there are too many bright, caring
peopleworking all around planet earth on this problem for it to prevail.
 When will a cure be discovered?  I was told by the doctor who
iniginally diagnesed me that a cure would likely taake place by the year
1994.  Well, it's almost 1997 and I'm still waiting.  I guess I'm
content to leave the timing up to God.