

This is from another list and would appear to affect all of us.

Subject: Internet Access Charges

Hello TRDEVer's,

How's this for a belated Xmas present?  This was passed on to me and
we all need to know about it so that we can do something stop them.

A financial analyst on our local NBC affiliate just reported that
beginning Monday the "Baby Bells" will be lobbying Congress.  They are
upset that us, cyberjunkies, are using the I'net to talk with people
around the world and only paying local phone charges and a flat
$19.95/mo.  They want Congress to allow them to bill the I'net access
providers ten (that's right, 10) times more than what they are paying
for phone lines now.  Of this will get passed on to us, and it is
conceivable that we could end up being charged $200/mo for I'net

There is a Congressional web site.....
that will give you the e-mail address of your Congressman and Senator.
  We need to send them e-mails now showing our disapproval for the
"baby bell's" greediness!!!

Jack Wilner, Wilner & Associates, Inc.
16171 Blatt Blvd., Suite 404, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33326, USA
Phone: 954-389-9745      Fax: 954-349-2466     Email: [log in to unmask]