


I have been the recipient of both public jabs (which I didn't respond to), and
privately emailed nasty messages from David Boots, censoring what I've posted.

Having also read a number of his thoughtful and often witty posts here on the
PD list over the past year, I believe you may have a valid point in that it's
possible David is going thru a medical and/or a personal crisis right now.

Based upon that, I feel your comments here to have been made out of love and
concern for one of our own, and would hope that our other members recognize
that.  I also admire the courage you've shown in addressing what at best is a
touchy and sensitive subject, and for not backing down in the face of

My virtual hat's off to YOU, Marjorie!

Barb Mallut
"Lil_Honey" on the Parkie Chat
[log in to unmask]

From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on behalf
of Marjorie Moorefield
Sent:   Friday, December 27, 1996 2:01 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Marjorie's post

>RE: Why is this on the PD list
>Your post was the cruellest, most vicious example of flaming that I have
>ever seen. To make such personal remarks about someone in a public forum is
I feel David needs help--I have watched him go from a
very funny, warm caring young man to a very sarcastic
young man to an extremely cruel young man.  I know the
rest of you don't understand what has been going on, but
when someone's personality changes so much in one year,
something is wrong!!!!
I don't feel that the 3 of us are the only ones who have received
notes from David telling us what to post or not to post
 on the Net.
I'm quite sure there are a lot of people who have received
personal posts from him.
When he answered John the way he did, I realized that he does
indeed, need help.
Hopefully, maybe his medications are just way off---what I am
saying is---someone needs to help David and get him to a Doctor.
There comes a time in all families, even in this "Parkie" family that
someone needs to stick their neck out & say "enough is enough"
get yourself to the Doctor & find out what is wrong!

I would love to have the old David back!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)