

I am also very concerned about  the comments on this list.  Most of the PWP
on this list are not physicians.
Most of the PWP are not trained therapists.
 Many of us live with daily frustration.
 Many of us struggle with Parkinson's and other problems in our lives.

None of us need to be publicly denounced.  I have had several pleasant
messages from David Boots recently.

If we have concerns re: the health and well being of any person on the list,
I would strongly urge that we communicate privately with the individual in
question or attempt to contact others who may be in the same geographic

Please let us strive to rebuild the pleasant atmosphere of assistance in
understanding and coping with Parkinson's and focus on the needs of patients
and caregivers.  The internet is a big wide world.  Courtesy is very
important.  Positive reinforcement is our greatest asset.

This is not the place for the family fued.  This is a place where people come
to learn from others.

Push the delete key if you are angry.  Don't push all of us into the self-
destruct mode.

Rita Weeks