

These are the statistics for the years 1986 through 1991:
Deaths attributed to Parkinson's Disease (332).

Please note that even though the total number of deaths per year increases,
(as does the total numbers of population)
the rate of increase between the years diminishes.
I hope that means we are taking better care of ourselves, and that maybe
the medication we have now, is really helping.

1986: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  5,579   MALE:   3,185   FEMALE: 2,394
1987: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  6,288   MALE:   3.622   FEMALE: 2,666
1988: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  6,397   MALE:   3,661   FEMALE: 2,736
1989: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  6,984   MALE:   3,996   FEMALE: 2,988
1990: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  7,254   MALE:   4,244   FEMALE: 3,010
1991: ALL RACES:   BOTH SEXES:  7,455   MALE:   4,360   FEMALE: 3,095


All of the statistics I have entered on the Net in the past week or so,
represent 4 lunch breaks cut *very* short & 8 regular breaks
used finding & copying all this information.  I hope they will be of use
to someone who can really understand them.

Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)