

Dear Fellow PDer's...........

I have had PD for 7 years now.....And lately, the battle has been a tough
one.........I have fought taking anti-depressants for quite a while but
since the tears seem to put Niagra Falls to shame I believe now is the time
to relent to the "ALmighty Neurologist" mode of thinking and pop them
But I wonder, will they do any good if I open up my PD list and have to deal
with all the whining and bickering?  I cant believe how stressed out I feel
after reading all the letters about who said what and who did what.............

I have promised myself that 1997 will be a better year........But I am the
only one who can make it better for me.......I know I will need to continue
to rely on the support of others but ultimately only I can take my meds and
do what will make me feel better........Isnt that what it's all about?  Easy
words to say....easy words to type........but will I be as strong as I need
to be?   I know I am going to stumble along the way.....(isnt that what we
Parkies do best?)  But I know there will be a friend or two to pick me up,
dust me off........and place the appropriate foot to the keester to send me
on my way.......And one of those friends will be David Boots.......And if he
needs me, I'll be there for him too......
We all have folks that mean a lot to us because of their friendship........I
hate PD but am VERY thankful to have made friends w/those who have it.........
No matter what, it's a personal battle.....friends and family can only do so

How about a better year for the Parkie List?  A year where we focus on what
needs to be done to fight this damn disease?  I am so tired of my personal
battle.......I dont want to witness anymore battles here please.........I
think if we all could follow the examples of Jim Cordy and Sherrie Caves and
Mary Yost we could make this a year where PD is no longer considered an old
folks disease.......I will be the first to admit I need help in my
battle..........I know the only way to get it is to battle politicians,
battle neurologists, battle that voice inside my head that says "why bother
trying".............but do we need to battle each other on here? I hope
not......I need to drop my negative thoughts in order to carry
about the List drop it's negative thoughts too.....It wont be easy for
either one of us I am sure.......

I have a New Year's wish.......As we all fight our personal battles with PD, we
dont lose sight of the fact that maybe we are stronger as a group
w/individuals with varying opinions than as a group who feels opinions have
no right to vary........I feel better for writing this.........I hope I can
carry that good feeling with me for a while anyway......

"Until the Zoloft kicks in"........Nicole Gall.....Age 36, symptoms 7 years,
"finally" diagnosed 5 yrs ago....and ready for a change (for the better)