

My e-mail system has the facility for putting a "signature" at the end
of the message; this is automatically appended when the "send" button is
pressed. I don't send enough e-mail to justify putting one on, because
it is a pain in the neck if I want to delete it - for instance, if  the
message contained in the "signature" is inappropiate to the recipient.
First of all the message has to be put in deferred delivery, then
retrieved and edited and put back in the delivery queue, or sent.

 However, if  I sent a lot of  e-maiI  and wanted to get a message
across, such as what a wonderful State I lived in, my interest in
collecting items and so on, I would find it very useful in not  having
to type duplicate messages. As a one-time Small Business Counsellor
(Pace, now retired and not touting for business!), I would certainly
advised any client to use his business card as a "signature", on his
e-mail messages, as it was improbable that it would cause offence, would
not cost any money, and who knows, some one out there may respond.

When I joined the List in May of this year, as CG to my wife Helen (80 -
6), I had no idea of what to expect, but thought that we might learn
something about PD, and get information about the latest research. We
got this, but also what we found  was  a lot of really nice people  out
there, a sense of community,  a concern for other people, and a
willingness to make any knowledge and expertise freely available. If any
one wants to see World altruism in action, let them read the Digest for
a week!. Also,  any newly diagnosed PWP can take a great deal of comfort
from the fact that although physical deterioration may be concomitant
with PD, many of the postings  to the  List will reassure them that
mental deterioration is certainly not.

It is when I look at the professional knowledge which is so freely
imparted, that my sense of wonderment grows. My advice to small business
owners was always that what they are selling is time, both their own and
that of  their employees - if any. For maximum profitability this time
should be spent in servicing their clients, getting new clients, and
doing what is required to keep the business going. When I look at the
postings made by the regular contributors to the List (I won't name them
to save their embarrassment, but you will all know who I mean) I marvel
at how they can spare the time to share their knowledge with us.  The
financial rewards must be minimal, as of necessity their clients will
generally be local to them, and most unlikely to be Parkies.  I can only
be thankful that their sense of altruism keeps them providing us with
their expertise, and hope that the brickbats that have recently been
thrown at them will not make them feel that there are many ingrates
amongst us.

If pressed I  might admit that probably only 10% of what is given is of
direct interest to me, but it is a different 10% each time,  there are
over 1,400 on the List, and I'd be very surprised if most of the
remaining 90% is not of  interest to some one.

Certainly, I wouldn't want to put any of the professional  contributors
to the List to the trouble of deleting their business cards at the end
of their message.  They are doing enough for us as it is. If, on the
unlikely chance that they get any additional business as a result of
this inclusion, well,  I shall be delighted, and take comfort in the
thought that when they have a meeting with their Accountant, Bank
Manager, Business Counsellor etc., and have to defend the amount of time
they spend on unproductive work,  which includes contributing to this
List,  they can claim that it is bread on the water, and  a few crumbs
have floated back to them.

As a final random thought, I wonder if the sudden upsurge of ill will,
which has been apparent in this last week or so is a result of Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) - if this is the cause, with so many
Antipodeans on the List I suppose we must resign ourselves to another
upsurge in July and August!.

With best wishes, and may you all have a better 1997

Ray Lakin ([log in to unmask])  - UK subscriber to those interested!.