

As a 10 year veteran of the "Forever War" with PD, with 8 years in the =

front lines (defining the front line as the taking of levadopa) I feel =
to express some of my thoughts on advising others,

PD is the most individual of complaints.  No two of us present in quite =
same way,  no two of us develop or react to medication in the same way,
and no two days are the same.

For this very reason the advice of anyone with experience is invaluble.
This includes  doctors, fellow sufferers, and care givers.  No single
individual can possibly have all the answers.  The combined knowledge
of the PWP cannot and should not be ignored by anyone seriously
taking the battle to the enemy.I strongly feel that information is one =
of the
few weapons we have, and we must arm each other.

How we exchange this information may well be relavent.  I for one have
a very poor tolerance for being told what to do, but I welcome advice of
the "have you tried....' type.  A petty point perhaps.

In summary:

        Let's keep the advice coming.

        Let's be sensible as to how we take advice.

Dennis Greene
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