

Friends--those of you who have been here a while will recall our PWP,Ivan
Suzman, whose house was destroyed by arson and who has  been bouncing
from place to place for several months, while dealing withmany complications
caused bythe fire.  He phoned me this morning and asked me to share his
good news--he has now received  part of the insurance settlement, and taken
up residence(with his one surviving cat) in a pleasant condo apartment,
near the water (Portland,Maine) with lovely views and "ducks and Canada
Geese flying overhead".  He doesn'tyet have overnight help, but hopes to
have it soon. Ivan is also working with contractors to rebuild his house
with appropriate refinements to make it more "PD-accessible". He has much
appreciated the messages from listmenbers relayed by his friend Eric from
his <[log in to unmask]> address, and will be keeping his snailmail address
for the present: Ivan Suzman, P.O.Box  10456, Portland,ME,04104
It was good to hear Ivan sounding refreshed and positive after the recent
problems he has faced in addition to life with PD!
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7,Ohio