

                                 RTK.NET Mail 246513   Jan  4 20:12:17 1997

Bernard, your observations are interesting, but I think the difference in
attitudes towards giving advice may be much simpler: those who offer
specific suggestions are often assuming that PWP's on this list will
consult their neurologist before making any major changes in their treatment,
particularly if the advice involves their Parkinson's medications. Perhaps
this needs to be stated explicitly a bit more frequently...after reading
your post I had images of people just starting on Sinemet thinking, "Hey,
I think I'll try mixing it up with orange juice tomorrow instead of just
swallowing the pills whole!"

Finding a neurologist who your trust and respect is essential, but even the
good ones often don't know the details that many of the people in this
group do. I would like to think that good doctors will never fail to see
potential drug interactions with patients on more than five medications,
start patients on new drugs with serious potential side effects and leave
town without giving instructions on what to do if there is a problem, and
always identify potential problems like carbidopa toxicity in patients on
high dosages of Sinemet and have handy books of Sinemet "recipes" for
those who might need different ways of taking their meds in order to
get the best, most consistent results. Unfortunately, that's not always
the case and I've often seen people on this list explain and identify
potential problems that doctor's, even specialists, didn't catch.

And you think we respect _lawyers_ here in the US?? Certainly not in
neck of the urban landscape (Washington, D.C.)

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