

Hi Lee

SPSP is an agency dedicated to the fight against PSP in the  U.S.. I'm "a
little off" right now so my hands aren't cooperating to pull the info from my
paper files right now. So although I can chicken-peck at the keyboard, I
can't manipulate paper.

I don't know what state y ou're in. But in Arizona, Daryl Bacon is an active
advocate of family and friends of persons with PSP. A friend of his (also in
my inaccessible garage files) has conducted a nationwide survey of persons
affected by PSP for the symptoms, rate of progression, dosctors each gets
care from, medicines taken, etc. Try Daryl (his wife had PSP).  His phone is
602-944-3207. Maybe he can help you contacting the agency, and his friends
quicker than I'm doing.  I feel sure someone on the list will pop up with
contact information for SPSP very soon . If not write back to me at
   [log in to unmask]  and by then my meds will surely have kicked in and I'll
have the file close-by. Best wishes for your mom. I'm sure you're a great
comfort for her. Whether my kids are close or far,  my kids (grown) are to me
